About Us

Our Vision

The NEWNOP team at the NEWNOP HQ in South Korea holding the goodbye plastic garbage bags filled with cigarette buds collected during the road clean up session at Gigeung South Korea

The inspiration for a new way to solve issues.

At NEWNOP, we're inspired to find innovative solutions for pressing global issues. We believe that better health leads to improved education, productivity, and economic development. As responsible corporate citizens, we're committed to uplifting living standards amidst rising global poverty, tackling malnutrition and poor sanitation. Our mission is to provide sustainable solutions, combat pollution, and unlock untapped talent by offering opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs. Join us on our transformative journey to inspire a new way of solving critical challenges and shaping a better world.

This is why we are working so hard

We work tirelessly because we understand the urgency of the challenges at hand. Better health, improved living standards, and combating the effects of poverty and pollution drive our unwavering commitment. We strive to unlock untapped talent and provide opportunities for entrepreneurs. Every day, our relentless efforts contribute to a brighter future for individuals and communities worldwide.

A NEWNOP employee holding a cigarette bug found during the beach clean up
NEWNOP Korea members engaging in cleaning activititesA team photo of NEWNOP Sri Lanka members after c